Friday 30 December 2011

Exploring Montespertoli

 Exploring Montespertoli

The second day of ‘exploring’ Montespertoli saw us visit several places that weren’t what they seemed. We were to be taken to an alternative meat farm, hmmm...? And what did this matter to a bunch of wine journalists and what is alternative meat anyway?

We ended up at the alternative meat farm and found someone training a horse, making him run around on a rope in circles. We all got of the bus and were taken to a shed containing a large cool-room that contained frozen venison. I’m sure it would have been interesting had we been butchers but all it did was leave us feeling cold. We also visited a station for mountain rangers where we were given a talk on the surrounding area and some literature - the only problem was that most of the group being foreigners spoke and read English but both were provided in Italian only.

A typical ruin in the countryside, this one is set amongts olive groves

We had been invited by a winery for a barbecue but being on a big coach and the road to the winery being very hilly and full of rubble, the coach couldn’t make it up the hill. There were various discussions on how we could get up the hill – we could have walked. There was also talk of getting a small school bus but it would have taken too long to organise. Finally after about an hour the barbecue was brought down to the bottom of the hill and we had celebrations there on the side of the road. We never got to see the winery but the owners fed us very well.

However, not everything went wrong, we did go to a wonderful place called Castello di Montegufoni  where we spent the afternoon looking around. We learnt that the castle can be rented for holidays – all or part, it contains many, many apartments – and is in an easily accessible area of Chianti. At last it seemed we were getting somewhere, things were looking up. 
Famous last words.

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